
HUPMOBILE project analysed potential implementation of adaptive traffic management in City of Tallinn
The HUPMOBILE project focused on the concept of modern traffic management and sharing of the results with other cities in the Baltic Sea region.

A plan for new railway access to the port of Turku is now published
The report of the planning process of Turku’s new railway access to the passenger harbour outlines the different steps, partners and permissions needed to plan the new railway access to the harbour.
Production logistics as well as urban logistics improvement is the aim of planning and developing the planning approach and tools focusing on the flow of goods in the urban areas. Transport flows will be analysed as part of the project.
Mobility management measures are used to analyse to overall situation of passenger traffic in the port areas as well as everyday mobility of the residents living close to the ports.
ITS solutions will be explored in the framework of supporting knowledge exchange between public and private sector with the aim of supporting the development of international competence networks in the Baltic Sea Region.
Multimodality in Urban Transport and Travel to Work Areas will be supported by exploring how the existing infrastructure in the port areas could be utilized more effectively in order to reduce the dependency on private cars.
Holistic urban and peri-urban mobility solutions will be piloted in three cities. Based on the results and feedback on the activities, HUPMOBILE framework and policy guidelines will be developed.Holistic urban and peri-urban mobility solutions will be piloted in three cities. Based on the results and feedback on the activities, HUPMOBILE framework and policy guidelines will be developed.
The HUPMOBILE project has resulted in many reports and tools regarding holistic sustainable mobility for people and goods in the Baltic Sea Region port cities. The key aim for the project is encourage the uptake and adoption of the project results.