HUPMOBILE project has several events organized throughout the project implementation, they are organized or co-organized by the HUPMOBILE project Lead Partner – Aalto University / Department of Industrial Engineering and Management & Project Partner - Union of the Baltic Cities - Sustainable Cities Commission. To ensure smooth event organization and management, personal data is collected including name, surname, organization, profession, country, e-mail address, phone number. Moreover, other data can be collected in the forms of photographs, presentations, video recordings, live web streaming. They can be published in the context of promotion and communication of the HUPMOBILE project activities on the websites, social media channels and Union of the Baltic Cities – Sustainable Cities Commission newsletters.
Please note that for the full video/audio recordings of the expert presentations during project workshops and webinars, presenters are contacted directly with the publishing agreement to sign.
HUPMOBILE project uses registration forms built in its website to collect personal information for organization of the project events. Collection and storage of personal information is organized by the HUPMOBILE Project Partner UBC Sustainable Cities Commission (Privacy Policy). Register details are kept confidential and not shared with third parties.
With any questions regarding the usage of personal information, as well as for updating, changing or deleting own personal details, please contact the HUPMOBILE project Lead Partner or Union of Baltic Cities – Sustainable Cities Commission.
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Cookies are small files that are sent to and stored in your computer by the websites you visit. Cookies are stored in your browser’s file directory. Next time you visit the site, your browser will read the cookie and relay the information back to the website or element that originally set the cookie.