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HUPMOBILE framework contributes to a sustainable change of planning processes concerning urban mobility. It is an online framework that encompasses access to all the other HUPMOBILE tools and is interlinked with a starting survey that allows the involved stakeholder to interact with the framework. Based on the user’s input to the starting questionnaire, the user will be guided to the appropriate selection of tools developed in the HUPMOBILE project. The online policy guideline tool gives fast access to the developed tools for the right target groups. It explains how those can be used in a supportive way to improve the sustainability of existing mobility solutions and the other target groups.

The tools included in the HUPMOBILE framework are
• Sustainability of the transport system self-assessment
• Transport solutions interactive map
• Best practices for employers to support the use of public transport
• Impact assessment tool
• HUPMOBILE database of successful mobility solutions
• Participatory.Tools
• Production logistics framework
• Simulation models

The framework links together these separate tools that are mainly available on the project’s homepage. Many city planners already know which tools to apply for a specific purpose. Still, the framework also empowers different stakeholders to develop sustainable mobility in their region by guiding them to use suitable tools and develop a common language between these stakeholders.