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5th Cycling Research Board Annual Meeting

13.10.2021 09:00 to 15.10.2021 15:00

The Cycling Research Board (CRB) holds an annual meeting to share and discuss academic research on cycling. This year’s meeting is organized by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Aalborg University (AAU) and The Office of the Cycle Superhighways of the Capital Region, Denmark. The CRB Annual Meeting actively seeks to bring together a broad range of researchers, from social scientists to engineers, historians and philosophers interested to better understand, and plan for the role of cycling in the present, past and future. The first four CRB Annual Meetings took place in Nijmegen (2017), Amsterdam (2018), Delft (2019) and Eindhoven (2020, online) with participants from across Europe and North America and growing representation from other parts of the world. 

We invite high quality research papers and/or presentations, workshops, panels and field visits from all disciplinary backgrounds. We particularly encourage researchers from Nordic countries to be present as well as inter- and transdisciplinary work by students, early career researchers and planners, from wild ideas to empirical results, from everywhere on the planet. The CRB Annual Meeting is a unique gathering built around interdisciplinary networking opportunities for both academics and practitioners and policymakers involved in research to strengthen alliances and facilitate the transfer of knowledge to action. We offer a constructive environment in which mutual support in developing joint and individual academic products (e.g. papers, research proposals) is central, giving us all energy to continue our endeavours for a holistic understanding of cycling and its role in creating a sustainable and healthy future mobility system.