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Impact Assessment Tool

The simple, and at the same time, the bold aim of this tool is to help city planners to assess the impact of an implemented sustainable mobility solution together with selected participants of stakeholders. This tool is a trade-off between the amount of information needed to make a reasonable assessment and the amount needed to communicate the impact to stakeholders and other cities still thinking about implementing similar solutions. In this sense, this tool aims not to replace existing impact assessment methodologies or services but to help communicate the excellent work cities are already doing in improving transportation sustainability. The tool consists of four distinct process stages:

I. Select a suitable solution, with well-documented success conditions and lessons learned from the implementation, for communicating the potential impact to stakeholders and city planners in other cities.

II. Use the HUPMOBILE solution description template for describing the solution to stakeholders.

III. Engage stakeholders by sending the description to representatives of the different stakeholder categories in this assessment (a couple of individual residents well aware of the impact of the solution, a representative of an organization affected by the solution, a representative from the prominent transport authority in the area, a person with broader policymaking capacity in the city).

IV. Document the results using the HUPMOBILE assessment template.

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