Project Logo

Project partners

Lead partner

Aalto Logo

Aalto University (FI)

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

teemu [.dot.] surakka [at] aalto [.dot.] fi (Teemu Surakka)- Project Manager
tero [.dot.] haahtela [at] aalto [.dot.] fi (Tero Haahtela)- Project Manager

City partners


Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (DE)

heike [.dot.] bunte [at] altona [.dot.] hamburg [.dot.] de (Heike Bunte)- Project Manager

Turku - Åbo

City of Turku (FI)

juha [.dot.] jokela [at] turku [.dot.] fi (Juha Jokela)- Project Manager


City of Tallinn (EE)

liivar [.dot.] luts [at] tallinnlv [.dot.] ee (Liivar Luts) - Project Manager

Riga Energy Agency

City of Riga (LV)

inga [.dot.] pelsa [at] riga [.dot.] lv (Inga Pelša) - Project Coordinator

Expert partners


Union of the Baltic Cities Sustainable Cities Commission c/o City of Turku (FI)

kristiina [.dot.] paju [at] turku [.dot.] fi (Kristiina Paju) - Project Officer 

KTH Logo

Royal Institute of Technology (SE)

jmb [at] kth [.dot.] se (Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge) - Associate Professor
seyoume [at] kth [.dot.] se (Seyoum Eshetu Birkie) - Assistant Professor

ITL Logo

ITL Digital Lab (EE)

Ralf-Martin [.dot.] Soe [at] itl [.dot.] ee (Ralf-Martin Soe)- Development Manager

Aalto Logo

Aalto University (FI)

Department of Built Environment

marketta [.dot.] kytta [at] aalto [.dot.] fi (Marketta Kyttä) - Professor of Land Use Planning
xunran [.dot.] tan [at] aalto [.dot.] fi (Xunran Tan)- Doctoral candidate