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Transport Solutions Interactive map

This interactive map highlights the sustainable mobility solutions identified in the research "Benchmarking of Transport solutions in BSR cities" which is part of HUPMOBILE project. We are not aiming to compare cities to each other, but hoping to increase the knowledge among participating port cities about best practices in the leading Baltic cities and ports in each of the selected themes:

  • Rail transport solutions (in connection to ports) in leading Baltic cities (Turku)

  • Existing logistics solutions (in connection to ports) in Baltic cities (Turku)
  • Different approaches in organizing Mobility-as-a-Service, (Riga, Hamburg, Turku)

  • Electrification of transportation (Riga)

This map is not meant to be an exhaustive list of best practices, but the focus is on mobility solutions – meaning different services, technical solutions, or policies – that have been tested and tried in cities typical to the BSR region and their best practices and recommendations are well documented. Thus, for example, pure city planning (zoning) approaches to the same purposes are not included in this work as it is intended to benefit both new and existing neighbourhoods with the problem created by increased traffic from ports.

Although this output focuses on the sub-themes of a more holistic planning approach to sustainable mobility, it aims to build the capabilities of transportation planners and authorities to identify new approaches in organizing sustainable transport connected to port areas, bring new ideas into collaboration with stakeholders, and find the most efficient approach for their cultural and operating environment. It is also the starting point of HUPMOBILE assessment toolbox, with these best practices being featured in our upcoming impact assessment database as well.

Should you want your best practices highlighted in our toolbox, please contact us.


 Logistic Solutions
 Rail-based Transport